





使用场景 第三方名称 共享的个人信息 使用目的 共享方式 联系方式
实人认证 上海市数字证书认证中心有限公司 姓名、证件类型(港澳居民来往内地通行证、中国护照(华侨)、外国人永久居留证)、证件号、手机号、银行卡号、生物识别信息(人像、虹膜等) 用于实人认证 API接口传输 021-962600
刷码乘车服务 上海市民信箱信息服务有限公司 姓名、身份证号、刷码乘车订单信息 为用户提供地铁、公交、轮渡、磁悬浮场景刷码通行服务 接口传输 12345
出租车服务 上海赛可智慧交通科技有限公司 脱敏后的手机号码、地理位置信息、订单信息及交易状态、支付信息、涉及纠纷投诉的部分信息 申程出行平台为用户提供巡游出租车服务 接口传输 400-920-8282
车享汽车俱乐部(上海)有限公司 设备信息 在联调中,便于在线客服查询用户设备信息,解决问题纠纷 API接口传输 021-2069-7888
网约车服务 上海赛可出行科技服务有限公司 手机号码、地理位置信息、订单信息及交易状态、支付信息、涉及纠纷投诉的部分信息 享道出行平台为用户提供网约车服务。 接口传输 400-821-8866
开票主体名称(开票人姓名或企业名称和统一社会信息代码)、电子邮箱等 享道出行平台为用户开票
车享汽车俱乐部(上海)有限公司 设备信息 在联调中,便于在线客服查询用户设备信息,解决问题纠纷 API接口传输 021-2069-7888
首约科技(北京)有限公司 用户手机号码、地理位置信息、出发地/目的地地址信息、涉及纠纷投诉的部分信息、订单信息及交易状态、支付信息 首约汽车平台为用户提供北京地区行程的网约车用车服务 API接口传输 10105678-1
用户姓名、电子邮箱、企业抬头、税号 首约汽车平台为用户开票
中山首约科技有限公司 用户手机号码、地理位置信息、出发地/目的地地址信息、涉及纠纷投诉的部分信息、订单信息及交易状态、支付信息 为用户提供除北京地区行程外的网约车用车服务 API接口传输 10105678-1
用户姓名、电子邮箱、企业抬头、税号 首约汽车平台为用户开票
广州悦行科技信息有限公司 用户手机号码、地理位置信息、出发地/目的地地址信息、涉及纠纷投诉的部分信息、订单信息及交易状态、支付信息 悦行出行平台为用户提供T3出行、曹操出行、阳光出行、神州专车的网约车服务 API接口传输 4000003838
用户姓名、电子邮箱、企业抬头、税号(开具个人/企业发票) 悦行出行平台为用户开票
南京领行科技股份有限公司 个人信息,如乘车人姓名、乘车人电话(真实号码或者虚拟号)、出发地/目的地地址信息、平台操作信息(设备信息、日志信息)、订单信息、交易支付信息、行程信息 为用户提供T3出行的网约车服务 API接口传输 950521
杭州优行科技有限公司 个人信息,如乘车人姓名、乘车人电话(真实号码或者虚拟号)、出发地/目的地地址信息、平台操作信息(设备信息、日志信息)、订单信息、交易支付信息、行程信息 为用户提供曹操出行的网约车服务 API接口传输 400-608-1111
北京假日阳光环球旅行社有限公司 个人信息,如乘车人姓名、乘车人电话(真实号码或者虚拟号)、出发地/目的地地址信息、平台操作信息(设备信息、日志信息)、订单信息、交易支付信息、行程信息 为用户提供阳光出行的网约车服务 API接口传输 400-650-2222
神州优步信息技术有限公司 个人信息,如乘车人姓名、乘车人电话(真实号码或者虚拟号)、出发地/目的地地址信息、平台操作信息(设备信息、日志信息)、订单信息、交易支付信息、行程信息 为用户提供神州专车的网约车服务 API接口传输 400-616-6666
自动驾驶 上海赛可出行科技服务有限公司和赛可智能科技(上海)有限公司 手机号、位置信息、支付状态信息 为用户提供Robotaxi平台的自动驾驶服务 API接口传输 400-821-8866
用户姓名、电子邮箱、企业抬头、税号 平台为用户开票
广州小马智行科技有限公司 手机号、位置信息、支付状态信息 为用户提供小马智行的自动驾驶服务 API接口传输 yanggao@pony.ai
用户姓名、电子邮箱、企业抬头、税号 平台为用户开票
萝卜运力(北京)科技有限公司 手机号、位置信息、支付状态信息 为用户提供萝卜快跑的自动驾驶服务 API接口传输 400-666-5608
用户姓名、电子邮箱、企业抬头、税号 平台为用户开票
深圳安途智行科技有限公司 手机号、位置信息、支付状态信息 为用户提供安途AutoX的自动驾驶服务 API接口传输 contact@autox.ai
用户姓名、电子邮箱、企业抬头、税号 平台为用户开票
e代驾 北京亿心宜行汽车技术开发服务有限公司 手机号、涉及纠纷投诉的部分信息、用户姓名 平台为用户开票 API接口传输 95139
停车服务 上海市交通委员会 地理位置信息、停车缴费订单信息、停车预约订单信息、错峰订单信息 为用户提供停车场查询、停车缴费、停车预约、错峰共享签约服务 接口传输 962319
用户姓名、电子邮箱、企业抬头、税号 平台为用户开票
共享单车服务 上海哈啰普惠科技有限公司 手机号、用户订单信息 为用户提供哈啰共享单车骑行服务 API接口传输 021-6071-2060
北京三快科技有限公司 手机号、用户订单信息 为用户提供美团共享单车骑行服务 接口传输 10107888
票务服务 携程旅游信息技术(上海)有限公司 手机号、用户订单信息以及订单状态 为用户提供汽车票、船票、机票等购票服务 接口传输 400-6329-662
地铁信息查询 上海申通地铁集团有限公司 地理位置信息 为用户提供地铁站点、地铁路线等基础信息 接口传输 021-6318-9188
道路救援 上海车辙信息技术有限公司 用户订单信息及订单状态、支付信息 为用户提供道路救援服务 接口传输 18621967726






涉及的个人信息:设备信息(包括IMEI、IDFA、Android ID、MEID、MAC地址、OAID、IMSI、硬件序列号、传感器信息、蓝牙信息等)、网络信息(IP 地址、WiFi状态、WiFi参数、WiFi列表、基站信息等)、位置信息(GNSS信息、经纬度、精确位置、粗略位置等。位置信息收集频率:安卓系统默认按2秒/次,业务按5秒/次;iOS系统基于系统本身规则,位置发生改变即读取)

隐私政策链接: https://lbs.amap.com/pages/privacy/

联系方式: 4008100080






隐私政策链接: https://terms.aliyun.com/legal-agreement/terms/suit_bu1_ali_cloud/suit_bu1_ali_cloud202112211045_86198.html






隐私政策链接: https://opencloud.wostore.cn/authz/resource/html/disclaimer.html?fromsdk=true

联系方式: 4000096800





隐私政策链接: https://e.189.cn/sdk/agreement/detail.do?spm=a2c4g.11186623.0.0.41f1633eHxMLkQ&appKey=E_189&hidetop=true&returnUrl=






隐私政策链接: https://wap.cmpassport.com/resources/html/contract2.html

联系方式: 10086






隐私政策链接: https://apps.eshimin.com/microprojectsH5/text/privacyPolicy

联系方式: 12345






隐私政策链接: https://support.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmsupportacctnodeweb-bin/pages/ONwPihxKd82RAkIJ https://www.tenpay.com/v3/helpcenter/low/privacy.shtml

联系方式:weixin-open@qq.com/ https://kf.qq.com/

5.使用场景: 第三方账号登录、第三方支付




涉及的个人信息:常用设备信息(包括IMEI/IMSI、SIM卡序列号/MAC地址、Android ID、SSID、BSSID、设备基础信息【机型\厂商等】)、网络信息、系统信息

隐私政策链接: https://opendocs.alipay.com/open/01g6qm https://render.alipay.com/p/c/k2cx0tg8

联系方式: 95188






隐私政策链接: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/development/HMSCore-Guides/sdk-data-security-0000001050042177

联系方式: devConnect@huawei.com




涉及的个人信息:设备标识OAID、IMEI和加密的Android ID,以及使用推送服务的应用信息如应用包名、版本号和运行状态,设备相关信息如设备厂商、设备型号、设备内存、操作系统版本、小米推送SDK版本、设备归属地(国家或地区)、SIM卡运营商名称、当前网络类型

隐私政策链接: https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822





涉及的个人信息:设备信息(主要包括设备名称、设备型号、地区和语言设置、设备识别码(IMEI 号码等)、设备硬件信息与状态、使用习惯、IP 地址、Mac 地址、操作系统版本,以及用于访问服务的设备的设置信息)、应用信息(主要包括应用列表、应用程序版本、应用状态记录(下载、安装、更新、删除)、软件识别码、以及应用设置(如地区/语言/时区/字体)信息)、日志信息(主要包括您使用网站或应用时,访问时间、访问次数、访问时长、访问IP地址、搜索查询字词,以及事件信息(如错误、崩溃、重启、升级))、位置信息(与使用基于位置服务的相关信息,主要包括所在国家代码、城市代码、移动网络代码、经纬度、设备位置、WiFi地理位置信息)

隐私政策链接: https://open.flyme.cn/docs?id=202





涉及的个人信息:设备相关信息(如IMEI号,Serial Number,IMSI,User ID,Android ID,Google Advertising ID, 手机Region设置,设备型号,手机电量,手机操作系统版本及语言)、使用推送服务的应用信息(如APP包名及版本号,运行状态)、推送SDK版本号、网络相关信息(如IP或域名连接结果,当前网络类型)、消息发送结果,通知栏状态(如通知栏权限、用户点击行为),锁屏状态(如是否锁屏,是否允许锁屏通知)。

隐私政策链接: https://open.oppomobile.com/wiki/doc#id=10288





涉及的个人信息:操作系统版本号、应用程序信息、设备标识符(如IMEI号、SIM和IMSI、移动国家码和vivo andriod设备的移动网号等)、MAC地址、移动运营商、使用语言、系统设置等系统、设备和应用程序数据、日志信息、位置信息、Cookie和追踪信息

隐私政策链接: https://dev.vivo.com.cn/documentCenter/doc/706 ; https://dev.vivo.com.cn/documentCenter/doc/652






涉及的个人信息:日志信息(包括:第三方开发者自定义日志、Logcat日志以及APP崩溃堆栈信息)、设备信息(手机型号、手机品牌、系统版本、api等级、厂商系统版本、cpu属性、设备是否root、是否越狱、磁盘空间占用大小、sdcard空间占用大小、内存空间占用大小、运行时手机状态)、设备ID(包括:Android id以及IDFV)、SIM集成电路卡识别码、联网信息、系统名称、系统版本以及国家码

隐私政策链接: https://privacy.qq.com/document/preview/fc748b3d96224fdb825ea79e132c1a56






涉及的个人信息:设备信息(包括IMSI、IMEI、Android ID、SIM集成电路卡识别码(ICCID)、MAC地址、设备类型、设备型号、系统类型、登录IP地址、应用安装列表信息、曾访问的页面、浏览器类型、传感器信息(光传感器、重力传感器、磁场传感器、加速度传感器、陀螺仪传感器)等)、网络信息、位置信息、网关地址(DHCP)、WiFi 子网掩码

隐私政策链接: https://www.tongdun.cn/other/privacy/id=1






隐私政策链接: https://www.geetest.com/Private






隐私政策链接: https://www.ipplus360.com/privacy-policy




使用目的:识别用户设备异常及 Web 端监控

涉及的个人信息:设备信息(设备 ID、设备 MAC 地址、硬件序列号、设备品牌、设备型号、操作系统、操作系统 api、系统时区、屏幕密度、屏幕分辨率、磁盘使用情况、内存使用情况、运行线程数、CPU 信息、移动设备国家编码、移动设备网络编码、设备 dpi;Android:安卓 ID、设备品牌、操作系统 api 版本、user agent、电池电量、网络流量、设备 abi、ROM;iOS:越狱状态、IDFV)、应用信息(应用版本、应用程序包名称、进程启动时间、日志类型、崩溃事件、崩溃进程、build-id、崩溃场景、崩溃时间、崩溃线程名、活动过的页面名称、当前进程所有线程堆栈、应用服务日志信息、应用文件名称、应用文件大小、磁盘大小;Android:fd 列表;iOS:应用内语言、应用发布渠道)、系统和网络识别信息(用户 ID、IP 地址、session 数据、运营商信息、网络访问模式)。

隐私政策链接: https://www.volcengine.com/docs/6431/69429




第三方名称: 上海市数字证书认证中心有限公司


涉及的个人信息: 姓名、身份证明(身份证/护照等)、手机号、电子邮箱、生物识别信息(人像、虹膜等)、银行卡号

隐私政策链接: https://www.sheca.com/assets/wwx/laws.html




第三方名称: 上海赛可出行科技有限公司


涉及的个人信息: 身份信息(姓名、昵称、性别、年龄、身份证信息及其他身份证明信息、常用地址、电子邮箱地址、手机号码、紧急联系人信息)、 位置信息、平台操作信息(设备信息、日志信息)、订单信息及交易状态、行程信息、支付信息、录音录像信息、传感器信息、通讯录权限等。

隐私政策链接: https://marketing.saicmobility.com/cms-help/driver/privacyPolicy.html#:~:text=%E6%9C%AC%E9%9A%90%E7%A7%81%E5%8D%8F%E8%AE%AE%EF%BC%88%E4%BB%A5%E4%B8%8B,%E5%85%B3%E7%9A%84%E4%BA%A7%E5%93%81%E6%88%96%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1%E3%80%82


(2)SDK 名称:哈啰出行



涉及的个人信息:AndroidID、IMEI、IMSI、MAC 地址、SSID、硬件序列号、蓝牙设备地址 IP 个人信息,设备所在位置相关信息(IP 地址、GPS位置)、经纬度信息、摄像头权限、蓝牙权限

隐私政策链接: https://m.hellobike.com/ebike-h5/latest/article.html?guid=caf29f866e90410e8212b689bdb9bcb5




第三方名称: 中国银联股份有限公司






第三方名称: 天翼电子商务有限公司






【Reading Note】

1、In order to ensure the secure and stable operation of the "SH MaaS" related functions and applications, we may share your personal information with relevant partners through application programming interfaces (APIs), application plugins, or other methods. The specific partners and sharing details are detailed in the "List of Shared Personal Information" below.

We will sign strict confidentiality agreements and information protection agreements with the partners who share personal information. We require them to handle user information according to our instructions, the "SH MaaS" Personal Information Protection and Privacy Policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

2、During your use of the service, to implement certain functions, we may embed third-party software development kits (SDKs) that directly collect your personal information. For your convenience, this " List of Shared Personal Information " will also list the "Third-Party SDK Personal Information Collection List."

Please note that third parties collect and process your personal information through SDKs independently. The collection and processing of information by these third parties are governed by their own privacy terms and do not apply to the "SH MaaS" Personal Information Protection and Privacy PolicySH MaaS. However, we will make efforts to review the business qualifications of such third parties and request that their collection and use of personal information be legal, compliant, and secure. If any SDK is found to pose risks or problems, we will require the SDK to correct them within a specified period or immediately disable the SDK to the maximum extent possible to protect your personal information.

1. List of Personal Information Shared with Third Parties

Scenarios Third-party Name Shared Personal Information Purpose Sharing Method Contact
Real-Person Authentication Shanghai Electronic Certificate Authority Center Co., Ltd. Name, identification documents (ID card/passport, etc.), phone number, email, biometric information (portrait, iris, etc.), bank card number Used for Real-Name Authentication API Interface Transmission 021-962600
Vehicle QR Code Scanning Service Shanghai SMMAIL Info Serv Co., Ltd. Name, ID number, scan code ride order information Providing Users with Scanning Pass Services in Subway, Bus, Ferry, and Maglev Scenarios, Along with Health Code Status Display. Interface Transmission 12345
Taxi Service Shanghai Secco Intelligent Transportation Technology Co., Ltd. Desensitized phone number, location information, order information and transaction status, payment information, partial information related to dispute complaints Provides users with taxi services. Interface Transmission 400-920-8282
Chexiang Auto Club (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Device information During joint testing, enables online customer service to query user device information for issue resolution and dispute resolution. API Interface Transmission 021-2069-7888
Car Hailing Service Shanghai Secco Travel Technology Service Co., Ltd Phone number, location information, order information and transaction status, payment information, partial information related to dispute complaints Offers users ride-hailing services. Interface Transmission 400-821-8866
Billing entity name (name or enterprise name and unified social credit code), email Offers billing services for the users
Chexiang Auto Club (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Device Information During joint testing, enables online customer service to query user device information for issue resolution and dispute resolution. API Interface Transmission 021-2069-7888
Parking Service Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission Location information, parking fee order information, parking reservation order information, off-peak order information Providing users with parking lot inquiry, parking fee payment, parking reservation, and off-peak sharing contract services. Interface Transmission 962319
Bicycle Sharing Service Shanghai Junzheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. Phone number, user order information Providing Users with Hello Shared Bicycle Riding Services. API Interface Transmission 021-6071-2060
Youon Technology Co., Ltd. Phone number, user order information Providing Users with Youon Bicycle Riding Services. Transmission Interface 0519-88909090
Beijing Science and Technology Co., Three Fast Phone number, user order information Providing Users with Meituan Shared Bicycle Riding Services. Transmission Interface 10107888
Beijing Xiaoju Technology Co., Ltd. Phone number, user order information Providing Users with Qing Ju Shared Bicycle Riding Services. Transmission Interface 400-0000-999
Ticketing Service Ctrip Travel Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Phone number, user order information and status Providing Users with Ticketing Services for Cars, Boats, Trains, Planes, etc. Transmission Interface 400-6329-662
Subway Information Inquiry Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co., Ltd. Location Providing Users with Basic Information on Subway Stations, Subway Lines, etc. Interface Transmission 021-6318-9188
Road Assistance Shanghai Rutting Information Technology Co., Ltd. User order information, status and payment status Provide Users with Road Assistance Services Interface Transmission 18621967726
Advertisement Placement CAICT Device manufacturer, device model, device brand, device network operator name, app package name and signature information, or APPID in the corresponding app store, OAID, VAID, and other device identifiers. Ad recommendation, ad attribution, ad landing page information collection, ad monitoring API Interface Transmission msa@caict.ac.cn
/ 010-62300419
Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited Mobile model, connected Wi-Fi, and other basic device information, including Android ID, OAID, MEID, and other device identifiers. Ad recommendation, ad attribution, ad landing page information collection, ad monitoring API Interface Transmission https://kf.qq.com/ 或
Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Hardware model, operating system version, and system information, including International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), Media Access Control (MAC) address of the network device, Identifier for Vendors (IDFV), Anonymous Device Identifier (OAID), Android ID, etc. Device identifiers, browser type, telecommunications carrier, language used, Wi-Fi information, and device status information. The SDK generates log information (such as the end user's IP address, browser type and language used, hardware device information, operating system version, information on the telecommunications carrier, date, time, and duration of the end user's access to the service). Also, information provided, formed, or retained by the end user when using our products or services, including content in the clipboard, such as passwords, links, etc. Ad recommendation, ad attribution, ad landing page information collection, ad monitoring API Interface Transmission https://help.baidu.com/
Beijing Juliang Engine Network Technology Co., Ltd. Developer application name, application package name, version number, and other information, including operator information, device time zone [Android], device brand, model, relevant information on the software system version, OAID, device IMEI, Android ID, MEID, hardware serial number, system properties, and operating system [iOS]. Additional information for iOS includes IDFA, IDFV, device brand, model, relevant information on the software system version, mobile system restart time, disk total space, system total memory space, number of CPUs, system properties, and operating system. Ad recommendation, ad attribution, ad landing page information collection, ad monitoring API Interface Transmission 400-618-1518

II. Third-party SDK Personal Information Collection Checklist

1. Scenario: Map

SDK Name: Gaode Maps

Third-party Name: Amap Software Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Map display, location tracking of people and vehicles, navigation, address search, voice, recommending nearby public transportation and parking lots.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, MEID, MAC address, OAID, IMSI, hardware serial number, sensor information, Bluetooth information, etc.), network information (IP address, WiFi status, WiFi parameters, WiFi list, base station information, etc.), location information (GNSS information, latitude and longitude, precise location, rough location, etc.). Location information collection frequency: Android system defaults to every 2 seconds, business is every 5 seconds; iOS system is based on the system's own rules, reading whenever the location changes.

Privacy Policy Link: https://lbs.amap.com/pages/privacy/

Contact: 4008100080

2. Scenario: One-click Login with Local Number

(1) SDK Name: Alibaba Cloud Number Authentication

Third-party Name: Aliyun Computing Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Achieve one-click login and verification with the local number.

Personal Information Involved: Network type, device information (including IP address, device manufacturer, device model, phone operating system, IDFV, SIM card or International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) information, location information, etc.), log information, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: http://terms.aliyun.com/legal-agreement/terms/suit_bu1_ali_cloud/suit_bu1_ali_cloud201902141711_54837.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.0.0.3bff1f23TVbWHI

Contact: 95187

(2) SDK Name: China Unicom One-click Login

Third-party Name: China United Network Communications Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Identify the user's China Unicom phone number for quick login.

Personal Information Involved: Local mobile number, network type, network address, carrier type, International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), SIM card quantity, phone device type, phone operating system, hardware manufacturer, screen size, screen resolution information, UAID generated by the phone device type, device identification code.

Privacy Policy Link: https://opencloud.wostore.cn/authz/resource/html/disclaimer.html?fromsdk=true

Contact: 4000096800

(3) SDK Name: China Telecom One-click Login

Third-party Name: 21cn Corporation Limited

Purpose: Identify the user's China Telecom phone number for quick login.

Personal Information Involved: Local phone number, International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), application process information, network connection type, network status information, network address, carrier type, phone device type, phone device manufacturer, phone operating system type and version.

Privacy Policy Link: https://e.189.cn/sdk/agreement/content.do?type=main&appKey=E_189&hidetop=true&returnUrl=

Contact: id@189.cn

(4) SDK Name: China Mobile One-click Login

Third-party Name: China Internet Corporation

Purpose: Identify the user's China Mobile phone number for quick login.

Personal Information Involved: Network type, network address, carrier type, local phone number, phone device type, phone operating system, hardware manufacturer, International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), and SIM card quantity, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: https://wap.cmpassport.com/resources/html/contract2.html

Contact: 10086

3. Scenario: Third-party Account Login

SDK Name: Sui Shen Ban Citizen Cloud

Third-party Name: Shanghai SMMAIL Info Serv Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Quickly log in by binding the user's Sui Shen Ban Citizen Cloud account.

Personal Information Involved: Username, avatar, name, ID number, phone number, facial biometric information, bank card number, bank card type.

Privacy Policy Link: https://api.eshimin.com/privacyPolicy/privacyPolicy/toPrivayPolicy

Contact: 12345

4. Scenario: Third-party Account Login, Information Sharing, Third-party Payment

SDK Name: WeChat

Third-party Name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited

Purpose: Bind the user's WeChat account for quick login; provide users with the ability to share to the WeChat platform; provide WeChat payment functionality.

Personal Information Involved: Hardware device model, terminal system type, device identification code, software version information in use, software language settings information, IP address, region, mobile network information, standard network log data and network usage habits, as well as operational records of using Tencent's financial services.

Privacy Policy Link: https://support.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmsupportacctnodeweb-bin/pages/ONwPihxKd82RAkIJ https://www.tenpay.com/v3/helpcenter/low/privacy.shtml

Contact: weixin-open@qq.com

5. Scenario: Third-party Account Login, Third-party Payment

SDK Name: Alipay

Third-party Name: Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Bind the user's Alipay account for quick login; provide users with Alipay payment functionality.

Personal Information Involved: Common device information (including IMEI, IMSI, SIM card serial number/MAC address, Android ID, SSID, BSSID, device basic information [model/manufacturer, etc.], network information, system information).

Privacy Policy Link: https://opendocs.alipay.com/open/01g6qm https://render.alipay.com/p/c/k2cx0tg8

Contact: 95188

6. Scenario: Message Push

(1) SDK Name: Huawei Push

Third-party Name: Huawei Software Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to Huawei phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Application basic information, in-app device identifiers, device hardware information, system basic information, and system setting information.

Privacy Policy Link: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/development/HMSCore-Guides/sdk-data-security-0000001050042177

Contact: devConnect@huawei.com

(2) SDK Name: Xiaomi Push

Third-party Name: Beijing Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to Xiaomi phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Device identifiers (OAID, IMEI, and encrypted Android ID), application information using the push service such as application package name, version number, and running status, device-related information such as device manufacturer, device model, device memory, operating system version, Xiaomi Push SDK version, device location (country or region), SIM card carrier name, current network type.

Privacy Policy Link: https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822

Contact: developer@xiaomi.com

(3) SDK Name: Meizu Push

Third-party Name: Meizu Telecom Equipment Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to Meizu phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (including device name, device model, region and language settings, device identification code (IMEI number, etc.), device hardware information and status, usage habits, IP address, MAC address, operating system version, and settings information for devices accessing services), application information (including application list, application version, application status record [download, install, update, delete], software identification code, and application settings [such as region/language/time zone/font]), log information (including access time, access frequency, access duration, access IP address, search query words, and event information [such as errors, crashes, restarts, upgrades]), location information (related to the use of location-based services, including country code, city code, mobile network code, latitude and longitude, device location, WiFi geographic location information), etc.

Privacy Policy Link: http://static.meizu.com/resources/term/privacy8.html

Contact: DPO@meizu.com

(4) SDK Name: OPPO Push

Third-party Name: Guangdong Huantai Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to OPPO phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Device-related information (such as IMEI number, Serial Number, IMSI, User ID, Android ID, Google Advertising ID, phone Region settings, device model, phone battery level, phone operating system version, and language), application information of using push services (such as APP package name and version number, running status), push SDK version number, network-related information (such as IP or domain connection results, current network type), message sending results, notification bar status (such as notification bar permissions, user click behavior), lock screen status (such as whether the screen is locked, whether lock screen notifications are allowed).

Privacy Policy Link: https://open.oppomobile.com/wiki/doc#id=10288

Contact: privacy@heytap.com

(5) SDK Name: VIVO Push

Third-party Name: Vivo Mobile Communication Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to VIVO phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Operating system version number, application program information, device identifiers (such as IMEI number, SIM and IMSI, mobile country code, and VIVO Android device's mobile network number, etc.), MAC address, mobile carrier, language in use, system settings, etc. system, device, and application program data, log information, location information, Cookies, and tracking information.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.vivo.com.cn/about-vivo/privacy-policy

Contact: push@vivo.com

7. Scenario: Data Statistics

SDK Name: Bugly

Third-party Name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited

Purpose: Record and repair crash information.

Personal Information Involved: Log information (including third-party developer custom logs, Logcat logs, and APP crash stack information), device information (phone model, phone brand, system version, API level, manufacturer system version, CPU attributes, whether the device is rooted, whether it is jail broken, disk space usage size, sd card space usage size, memory space usage size, runtime phone status), device ID (including Android id and IDFV), SIM integrated circuit card identification code, network information, system name, system version, and country code.

Privacy Policy Link: https://privacy.qq.com/document/preview/fc748b3d96224fdb825ea79e132c1a56

Contact: Dataprivacy@tencent.com

8. Scenario: Operational Risk Prevention

(1) SDK Name: Tongdun

Third-party Name: Tongdun Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Device recognition for risk control.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (including IMSI, IMEI, Android ID, SIM integrated circuit card identification code (ICCID), MAC address, device type, device model, system type, login IP address, application installation list information, previously visited pages, browser type, etc.), network information, location information, gateway address (DHCP), WiFi subnet mask.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.tongdun.cn/other/privacy/id=1

Contact: service@tongdun.cn

(2) SDK Name: Geetest

Third-party Name: Wuhan Jiyi Internet Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Login behavior graphic verification.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (device system information, device manufacturer information, device model, device brand, etc.), network information (device network connection status and type, etc.), device environment information (device screen size, device battery charging status, device battery level, device jailbreak identification, device debugging identification, etc.), user biometric trajectory information (user-generated sliding, clicking, mouse moving trajectories during the verification process), verification timestamp, installation package name, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.geetest.com/Private

Contact: service@geetest.com

(3) SDK Name: IPV4 County-level Location Query Service System V1.0

Third-party Name: Evan (Dalian) Technology Service Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Big data analysis of user access source locations.

Personal Information Involved: IP address information of user network access.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.ipplus360.com/privacy-policy

Contact: yangxuxian@ipplus360.com

(4) SDK Name: Volcano Engine

Third-party Name: Beijing Volcano Engine Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Identify abnormal user devices and monitor the web.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (device ID, device MAC address, hardware serial number, device brand, device model, operating system, operating system API, system time zone, screen density, screen resolution, disk usage, memory usage, running thread count, CPU information, mobile device country code, mobile device network code, device DPI; Android: Android ID, device brand, operating system API version, user agent, battery level, network traffic, device ABI, ROM; iOS: Jailbreak status, IDFV), application information (application version, application package name, process start time, log type, crash event, crash process, build-id, crash scene, crash time, crash thread name, names of pages visited, stack of all threads in the current process, application service log information, application file name, application file size, disk size; Android: fd list; iOS: application language, application release channel), system and network recognition information (user ID, IP address, session data, carrier information, network access mode).

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.volcengine.com/docs/6431/69429

Contact: 400-850-0030

9. Scenario: Advertisement Placement

(1) SDK Name: Mobile Smart Terminal Supplementary Device Identification System One Call SDK

Third-party Name: CAICT

Purpose: Ad recommendation, ad attribution, ad landing page information collection, ad monitoring.

Personal Information Involved: Device manufacturer, device model, device brand, device network carrier name, App package name and signature information, or corresponding APPID in the corresponding app store, OAID, VAID, and other device identifiers.

Privacy Policy Link: http://www.msa-alliance.cn/col.jsp?id=122

Contact: msa@caict.ac.cn / 010-62300419

(2) SDK Name: Guangdiantong Behavioral Data Reporting SDK

Third-party Name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited

Purpose: Ad recommendation, ad attribution, ad landing page information collection, ad monitoring.

Personal Information Involved: Phone model, connected Wi-Fi and other basic device information, Android ID, OAID, MEID, and other device identifiers.

Privacy Policy Link: https://imgcache.qq.com/qzone/biz/gdt/dmp/user-action/privacy_agreement.pdf

Contact: https://kf.qq.com/ 或 Dataprivacy@tencent.com

(3) SDK Name: Baidu oCPX Conversion Tracking Application SDK

Third-party Name: Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Ad recommendation, ad attribution, ad landing page information collection, ad monitoring.

Personal Information Involved: Hardware model, operating system version, system information (IMEI, IMSI, MAC address), device identifiers, browser type, telecommunications carrier, language used, Wi-Fi information, device status information. The SDK generates log information such as the end user's IP address, browser type and language used, hardware device information, operating system version, information on the telecommunications carrier, date, time, and duration of the end user's access to the service. Also, information provided, formed, or retained by the end user when using products or services, including content in the clipboard, such as passwords, links, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: https://ocpx-devcenter.bj.bcebos.com/videoworks/console-upload/%E3%80%90%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6oCPX%E5%BA%94%E7%94%A8SDK%E8%BD%AC%E5%8C%96%E8%BF%BD%E8%B8%AA%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%E3%80%91%E9%9A%90%E7%A7%81%E6%94%BF%E7%AD%96.pdf?authorization=bce-auth-v1/e2ea496b5e7f4e20bd0e5d1ce5533588/2022-03-02T07%3A26%3A49Z/-1/host/a457d9fc218b82a94f1a1209ed821931c1f7703ffe40bd220ba25ce5e42f8056

Contact: https://help.baidu.com/newadd?prod_id=212

(4) SDK Name: Giant Engine Conversion SDK

Third-party Name: Beijing Juliang Engine Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Ad recommendation, ad attribution, ad landing page information collection, ad monitoring.

Personal Information Involved: Developer application name, application package name, version number, etc., carrier information, device time zone (Android), device brand, model, software system version-related information, OAID, device IMEI, Android ID, MEID, hardware serial number, system attributes, operating system, etc. (iOS) IDFA, IDFV, device brand, model, software system version-related information, phone system restart time, total disk space, total system memory space, number of CPUs, system attributes, operating system, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: https://open.oceanengine.com/labels/7/docs/1708428054592516

Contact: 400-618-1518

10. Scenario: Real-name Authentication

SDK Name: UniTrust Unified Identity Authentication

Third-party Name: Shanghai Electronic Certificate Authority Center Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Used for Real-name Authentication..

Personal Information Involved: Name, identity proof (ID card/passport, etc.), phone number, email address, biometric information (portrait, iris, etc.), bank card number.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.sheca.com/assets/wwx/laws.html

Contact: 021-962600

11. Scenario: Travel Services

(1) SDK Name: Secco Travel

Third-party Name: Shanghai Secco Travel Technology Service Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Used for travel services.

Personal Information Involved: Identity information (name, nickname, gender, age, ID card information and other identification information, commonly used address, email address, phone number, emergency contact information), location information, platform operation information (device information, log information), order information and transaction status, itinerary information, payment information, audio and video information, sensor information, address book permissions, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: https://marketing.saicmobility.com/cms-help/driver/privacyPolicy.html#:~:text=%E6%9C%AC%E9%9A%90%E7%A7%81%E5%8D%8F%E8%AE%AE%EF%BC%88%E4%BB%A5%E4%B8%8B,%E5%85%B3%E7%9A%84%E4%BA%A7%E5%93%81%E6%88%96%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1%E3%80%82

Contact: 400-856-6666

(2) SDK Name: Hello Travel

Third-party Company Name: Shenzhen Hello Mobile Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Used for travel services.

Personal Information Involved: Android ID, IMEI, IMSI, MAC address, SSID, hardware serial number, Bluetooth device address IP personal information, device location-related information (IP address, GPS location), latitude and longitude information, camera permissions, Bluetooth permissions.

Privacy Policy Link: https://m.hellobike.com/ebike-h5/latest/article.html?guid=caf29f866e90410e8212b689bdb9bcb5

Contact: Email to sec@hellobike.com or call Hello Platform customer service at 95175177

In the future, we will adjust SDK access based on business development and feature development. We will promptly inform you of the latest situation of third-party SDK access. Please note that third-party SDKs may have information processing changes due to version upgrades, policy adjustments, etc. Please refer to their official statements for accurate information.